June 27, 2021 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Come join Sir John Savile and his retinue as they visit Bolton Castle and see the everyday workings of the household during a visit from the sheriff of Yorkshire.
0900- Daily Brief (Garden at the bottom of the stairs)
0930- Combatants Brief
1000- Event start (Castle Opens)
1100- Archery (Courtyard) / Combat (Arena) (Bill)
1200- Lunch
1400- Archery (Courtyard) / Combat (Arena) (Sword)
1500- Archery (Courtyard) / Combat (Arena) (Pollaxe)
1630- Event end (rolling hats off) (last entry for castle)
Archery (courtyard) and combat (garden) displays will occur hourly alternating weapons,
participants can also alternate between displays this is to allow everyone who wants to have a
go can do and it’s flexible depending on the number of participants. There will be a brief for
all combatants as per the timetable to organise who will be fighting who.
Living History will take place throughout the castle grounds during the day, following a one
way system around the castle
included in admission charged