Self-Heal (Prunella vulgaris)
Flowers: June to September. Height: 20cm (8in).
Also called Woundwort, All-heal, Heart of the Earth, Cure-all and Carpenter’s Weed.
Medicinal: An ancient medicinal herb with some proven antibacterial and astringent properties. Fresh leaves of Self-Heal were commonly made into a poultice or compress for wounds, sores or other skin afflictions, due to its ability to stop bleeding and speed up the healing process. A poultice was made by smashing the fresh herb into a paste. According to John Gerard in his The Herball (1597), “there is not a better wounde herbe in the world”. Culpeper’s Complete Herbal (1653) said “Where there is cause to repress the heat and sharpness of humours flowing to any sore, ulcers, inflammations, swellings, or the like, or to stay the fluxes of blood in any wound or part, this is used with some good success”.
Culinary: A herbal tea and for adding flavour to salads, soups and stews.
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