Madonna Lily (Lilium candidum)
Flowers: May to June. Height: Up to 120cm (48in).
The Madonna Lily is one of the oldest cultivated plants and has been around for more than 4000 years. It became associated with the Virgin Mary, symbolizing innocence and purity, hence its common name, the Madonna Lily. It was seen in many works of art, often in medieval representations of Paradise.
Medicinal: A paste of lily roots was said to be able to draw out a nail which is possibly why Culpeper recommended a poultice to draw out poisons and “ripen and break plague sores” – Complete Herbal (1653). He also said it was good for “swellings in the privvies” and for scalds, burns and ulcers, various skin diseases, leprosy, and to take away wrinkles. Lily root soup was used to purge colic and treat pleurisy. Lily snuff was used up until the 19th century as a decongestant.
Magic & Myth: The bulb is said to protect against charms, sorcery and spells.
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