Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
Flowers: Summer. Height: 80cm (32in).
A popular strewing herb.
Medicinal: A very old herb, Lemon Balm was used to treat sleeplessness, heart disease, stress-related stomach and digestive ailments, leprosy and used as an anti viral. Known as a good remedy for depression, Culpeper’s Complete Herbal (1653) stated: “it causes the mind and heart to become merry”. The Roman natural historian, Pliny the Elder (77AD), wrote that the powers of this herb were so strong that if applied to a sword injury the blood would dry and the wound would quickly heal.
Culinary: Used in salads and as a herbal tea. One of the main ingredients in liqueurs Chartreuse and French Benedictine.
Magic & Myth: Worn in a bag or amulet and carried about the person as a daily practice, it was used to invoke powerful witch magic to help and protect and to ensure true love be found.
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